Notice of SECA's Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Call for Nominations

SECA's Annual General Meeting:

Please accept this email as SECA's Annual General Meeting notice on December 4, 2024 at 10:00am to:

·  Review and approve the minutes of the previous AGM

·  To receive and approve the Audited Financial Statement for the fiscal year ending on August 31, 2024

·  To appoint the Auditors of the association

·  To elect SECA Board of Directors

The AGM will be held electronically via webinar to allow members across the province to attend. You must register to attend the AGM. To register please click here. SECA members holding a professional membership must be in attendance to vote as there is no voting by proxy.

Please note: in September 2021 a Special General Meeting was hosted to update SECA’s bylaws and an update to our membership structure was implemented shortly thereafter. These changes state that you must hold a valid SECA professional membership to obtain voting rights. A SECA program membership does not grant voting rights.

SECA Board of Directors - Call for Nominations:

SECA is pleased to invite members in good standing with a professional membership to submit an application for nomination for consideration to run for election for a two-year term on the Board of Directors. To complete the nomination form please click here. The nomination deadline is November 22, 2024 at 4:00pm. To view SECA's goals please click here


2025 SECA Awards of Excellence Nominations are Open!


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